Thursday 24 March 2011

So although the Fair Trade challenge is done...  Life is a challenge at times so I may just keep going..

Full of cold today   so my head is thick and my throat is scratchy .  Tonight I have coughed a bit..which is a pity because the cough always lasts so long.
Tomorrow I have a new car.. best go and get some sleep so I can be up in time to collect it.

Thursday 17 March 2011

Today I heard that someone from my "store" is eating one piece of chocolate/ day to make it last.  She has really liked the flavour!  Will try to find an Equita stocker in Vancouver for her..

Some things are just too good to forget..I must not miss the chance to get her HOOKED!

Monday 14 March 2011

So the challenge is over..we have lots of fair trade tea and coffee left over because most people said " I have already got lots of  tea and coffee".  The wine was a surprise too, ,  many people did not know about fair trade wine and they wanted to try it out so that went well.  I even had chocolate left this time.  Hopefully it means I did a good job other years encouraging  people to use fair trade and generally raising awareness, (but of course, it could mean that people are less generous and are holding their purse strings tightly!)  I am thinking they are generous souls, and clinging to the first option!

Just going to put on a pot of tea..yes my fav Equita Earl Grey ....


Sunday 6 March 2011

Well I had a good assortment of  coffee , tea, chocolate and wine for my 'store'.  People were surprised to see the wine, even though I had put some out last year.  About half of the stuff went, so I will need to rejig for next week.

The options at the local Safeway  have really multiplied in the coffee section.  Only one tea though. and no chocolate.   Because I am trying to buy from local and nearby stores, this limit is tough.  Of course I raided the supplies at MCIC for the best Chocolate and spice options and had added the tea from there. 

It was a fun time today..looking forward to next week.  Am asking them to consider  "paying fair wages"  for Lent.

ciao ..have a good week ..the last one for the Fair trade challenge this year.




Friday 4 March 2011

Can it really be this late in the week.  Had a great time filling up a bag of Fair trade stuff for my "store"  Will go to the local places tomorrow to see what is available and then will see what gets picked up on Sunday.

Had a neat time yesterday talking about FT over a peppermint choc from Equita   it is sooo good.  Somebody said maybe rather than giving up chocolate..they would just buy FT for Lent..great idea.  FOr the next forty or so days make certain that people get a fair wage!

I will use that theme at my "store"

Monday 28 February 2011

So here it is 28th after a long weekend at the country.  Absolutely NO fair trade obtainable.  We are directly across the lake from Gimli but any sense has been diluted or washed out by the distance.  Local people look at me as if I am speaking a foreign language.

Is it really so strange?  Just keeo truckin I guess.

Friday 25 February 2011

Hard to keep Fair trade on the priority list with the weather creating plumbing issues and electrical faults for the plug in system the lake.  Good thing I brought up chocolate for fortification equita  Mint choc is the staple  with FT coffee of course.  Getting supplies for my return to the country was a challenge..very little FT in the stores I was in and blank  looks in reply to my questions!  I will need to really get moving for the FT "store next Sunday!  not so many times I can do it this year...other  issues on the board.

Wednesday 23 February 2011


Today, I had a long chat about Fair Trade with my hairdresser.  Why should Fair trade be even considered....??  Well it was an interesting exchange and in the end ( having forgotten my cheque book) I returned with coffee  beans and chocolate.. Hope it is enough of an enticement.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Day 3

So I am a little slow at getting started..age does that or busyness in this case.

  I am a long time fair trade supporter and tweak my friends a bit to use more during this time. Today  was in the coffee shop and challenged the serving person who gave out a huge amount of goofy statistics,,plan to return with some proper info.  Decided not to push for coffee press today, but later wished I had as a friend came in who usually pushes too.  Reminded friend that the Challenge is back that shop will have more fair trade requests in the coming weeks.