Monday 28 February 2011

So here it is 28th after a long weekend at the country.  Absolutely NO fair trade obtainable.  We are directly across the lake from Gimli but any sense has been diluted or washed out by the distance.  Local people look at me as if I am speaking a foreign language.

Is it really so strange?  Just keeo truckin I guess.

Friday 25 February 2011

Hard to keep Fair trade on the priority list with the weather creating plumbing issues and electrical faults for the plug in system the lake.  Good thing I brought up chocolate for fortification equita  Mint choc is the staple  with FT coffee of course.  Getting supplies for my return to the country was a challenge..very little FT in the stores I was in and blank  looks in reply to my questions!  I will need to really get moving for the FT "store next Sunday!  not so many times I can do it this year...other  issues on the board.

Wednesday 23 February 2011


Today, I had a long chat about Fair Trade with my hairdresser.  Why should Fair trade be even considered....??  Well it was an interesting exchange and in the end ( having forgotten my cheque book) I returned with coffee  beans and chocolate.. Hope it is enough of an enticement.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Day 3

So I am a little slow at getting started..age does that or busyness in this case.

  I am a long time fair trade supporter and tweak my friends a bit to use more during this time. Today  was in the coffee shop and challenged the serving person who gave out a huge amount of goofy statistics,,plan to return with some proper info.  Decided not to push for coffee press today, but later wished I had as a friend came in who usually pushes too.  Reminded friend that the Challenge is back that shop will have more fair trade requests in the coming weeks.